Khamis, 10 April 2014


Tasoh Lake is a familiar name for the people of Perlis . It is not only the lifeblood of agriculture in the north of Peninsular Malaysia, the largest irrigation dam is a tourist holiday location love nature .

The lake also offers facilities for camping does not want to stay in the chalet 51 units at a price of RM80 to RM500. Typically, in August, Tin Tasoh be sanctuaries, especially migratory birds from cold countries. During the month, the lake and its natural setting offers habitat including food and shelter needed his birds 

Tin Tasoh Dam is a dam located 17 km north of Kangar town located in the district Beseri. It can be reached via Jalan Kangar to Padang Besar and Jalan Abu to Padang Besar.

Tin Tasoh Lake is located 17km north of Kangar town, county Beseri and can be reached by two roads namely Jalan Kangar - Padang Besar and Jalan Abi - Padang Besar. Lake Tin Tasoh is a name taken from the confluence of two major rivers that pass through this area in the past, namely Sungai Timah and Sungai Tasoh. Lake Tin Tasoh construction started in 1987 and completed in 1992. The purpose of this dam is a center for rainwater harvesting in Perlis. This artificial lake is very beautiful and is a fan of anglers to fishing. In addition, the lake is also a transit point a group of birds in winter. Here are a few blocks of apartments, chalets and campsites are filled with durian tree.

Also in the village is overwhelmed with mosques, homes, schools and cemeteries . In addition to the growing nostalgianya lapse of memory of the local population , the village had sunk to form a water reservoir to supply water for domestic and industrial use. Moreover, it is to meet the requirements to irrigate 2,466 hectares of land for rice double cropping in the north and central Perlis

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